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Old 15th April 2021, 06:51 AM   #19
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

I have received my copy of this book.

The book itself is a quality production, the photographs are excellent, the hilts that have been photographed are a bit of a mixed bag, varying from gold hilts that exhibit archaic style to wooden hilts that give the appearance of having been carved by an owner, not a professional carver.

All in all, this is nice collection of hilts, the best are as good, or possibly better than anything I have. I do not think it is an exceptional collection, it is a good representative collection, and it would have been very expensive to put together.

I have browsed the text and have identified a number of things that I need to look very closely at. This is not something I can do quickly. I prefer to reserve comment on the text.

But the book itself is quality, and the hilts that are presented in this book are well worth the price of the book, simply because you are unlikely to see the better hilts included in the collection anywhere else.
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