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Old 28th March 2021, 09:38 PM   #10
kronckew's Avatar
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Reminds me of an Imperial German (Prussian) Fire service presentation or parade axe, as below, but older, maybe another German state or another European nation further east. European fire axes tended to be smaller, hatchet size, than American ones. I can't make out the marking on the side languet, can you post a better macro photo of any markings. Other German guilds (like miners) used fancy parade axes, and very uniquely headed ones too. Polish Nobles liked small headed (but longer) axes, most as rank symbology, such as my Obuzek also below with a heavy spike opposite the axe head end.

Yours Looks too fancy and short for a weapon or a boarding axe, more a status item. Still wouldn't like being hit with it.

Dimensions and weight would help...
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Last edited by kronckew; 28th March 2021 at 09:59 PM.
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