Thread: MILSCO klewang
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Old 28th March 2021, 06:39 PM   #5
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 157

Originally Posted by Ian
Hi cel7.

There is quite a lot of material on these pages regarding the "Dutch klewang" and its U.S. versions. You can find it through the Search function.
Several U.S. companies produced these swords, some for use by the U.S. Navy.

The Military Saddlery Company (MILSCO), Milwaukee, Wisconsin produced at least 40,000 klewang starting in 1946, and supplied these to the Dutch East Indies until the time of Indonesian independence in 1949. Many of the 40,000 klewang ordered by the NEI Army in 1946 may not have reached the Dutch East Indies before Indonesian independence. This may explain the presence on the surplus market from 1950 onwards of a large number of MILSCO klewangs, many still wrapped in their factory-supplied greased paper. Some MILSCO klewangs also ended up with the US Army.

Because all of the MILSCO swords were produced from 1946, none of these saw action in WWII. They are the most common form of these swords seen on the market today and are often mistaken for the original Dutch sword.
Hi Ian,

Thanks for your reply! The facts you mentioned above are known to me. I wonder why this one is so different from other Milsco klewngs.
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