Thread: MILSCO klewang
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Old 27th March 2021, 09:08 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 157
Default MILSCO klewang

Hi, I bought this MILSCO klewang today. Strange is that it differs from other Milsco klewangen that I have seen before. First and particularly striking is that the wooden grip scales are attached with Phillips screws instead of riveted. Also the belt loop is attached with a Phillips screw.
Second is that the guard is made of thin metal different from what was normally used.
A third deviating detail is that the groove in the blade is very narrow and superficial.
I know that Milsco delivered these to the Dutch between 1946/47 and 1950. most of them never reached the troops because the war in Indonesia ended.
Does anyone know why this one is different from usual. Is it perhaps a very late example or maybe a forgery?
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