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Old 25th March 2021, 07:11 PM   #5
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Hello Nik,

If I understand correctly, this is a glitch by FedEx who changed their rules without notice; they have been doing this before (in the US and elsewhere). Thus, the sender has to find another courier service willing and able to handle these pieces - and CITES as well as sharp/pointy thingies are a pain, even more so in Italy with it's very strict weapon laws (aimed against the Mafia but affecting all of us law-abiding citizens)! I'm sure they're working on finding a solution.

BTW, the local shipping company did already handle earlier Czerny's auctions and they just seem to have separated the billing process for shipping. Shipments within Europe arrived quickly as usual from what I've heard (after the other delay due to the late goverment approvals).

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