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Old 19th March 2021, 08:55 AM   #26
eftihis's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Chania Crete Greece
Posts: 511

Dear Philipp,
Regarding the use of flintlocks after the introduction of cupslock, i believe the main reason is the higher difficulty in aquiring cups than gunpowder. For an intependant fighter in a remote area, non supplied by an army depot, is much more easy to resupply for gunpowder, that can come for many sources and sometimes even produced localy, than to have to find gunpowder and cups, which is an industrial product.
I find extremely interesting your comment about the lazarino muskets. Here in Crete we had the term "lazarina" for localy made long muskets, copies of the French pattern in the oriental style for export as the example seen here. The name was supposely given because initially these muskets had trade barells made by the "Lazarino" or "Lazarini" brands.
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