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Old 14th March 2021, 03:11 PM   #11
Kmaddock's Avatar
Join Date: May 2014
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Posts: 543

Hi All
Thanks for comments.

I used a Dillon MK II Oxy acetylene blow torch which has a lot of different nozzle sizes so you can really small Jet, nearly as small as a pencil nib for the jet of flame, it is a v v neat tool.

I want to get a tig welder but have not been able to investigate what is out there as a hobby usage one

For the filler rod I used 1mm Tig welding wire so I could keep the heat down low.

The donor blade was part of an old sword blade i got in mixed auction lot, had just the correct amount of pitting to suit the original blade.

Once i ground the weld and put in the serrations with a dremel tool and a file I cleaned the weld and browned the fresh steel in a hot mix of copper sulphate and nitric acid.

I then buried the blade with this mix on it for around a week in a shallow middy patch in the garden and heaped salt onto the mud and let it rust a bit more

Once finished oxidising I washed with boiling water after neutralisation with bread soda.

Thanks for interest, what age do you think the sword might be?


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