Originally Posted by fernando
Dear Jim, from your previous thread i give account that the one fresh approach is the Ned Kelly saga. May i suggest that his gang shielding apparatuses have by no means any linkage to the implement under discussion; not in form, nor in resistence, neither in means. We can't establish the minimum comparison bewteen a 1/4" thick (tempered) plough comonents and a thin bent sheet of soft iron, circa four times thinner.
I would end by saying that, while Ned's and his pack adventure has proven pathetic, Panoleon's item still has an unproven explanation  .
Yours humbly 
Of course it remains unexplained, and as you have apparently agreed with the point I was making by using this comparison (also regarded as an analogy, which means it is NOT directly related to the item or subject being examined).
My intent was to actually dismantle my own previous suggestion that perhaps this liner of iron was for bullet proofing, by showing that iron plate adequate for protection was probably much heavier (as this comparison illustrates).
So as you note this 'comparison' does not serve as an explanation, but is objectively disqualifying toward a subjective suggestion I had previously made, thus eliminated from the ongoing discussion. I very much agree, this discussion as been fun, and very informative....I know Im learning a lot.
As Kubur has well noted, comparisons are essential, and Colin's suggestion of Pitt Rivers is well placed.