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Old 8th March 2021, 12:44 PM   #64
colin henshaw
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,429

I can add a little more to the "prop" option (at the risk of upsetting Jim should any of the terms mentioned not meet with his approval ) :-

a) As well as movie props , theatre props should considered.

b) Circus type shows and exhibitions in the late 19th century. At this time period there existed the shameful practice of importing natives by some circus showmen, prominent being P T Barnum and R A Cunningham ... the natives were to perform various lurid and ludicrous displays. Natives were imported from Africa, India, Polynesia and Australia and performances took place in North America and Europe. Of course, exotic and showy props were required in the performances and possibly the cuirass in question could fit the bill. Some images attached.

I won't delve further into this painful yet factual history, but anyone wishing to learn more should read "Professional Savages, Captive Lives and Western Spectacle" by Roslyn Poignant 2004.

Finally, in respect of the "diplomatic gifts" option, I attach an woodcut image of Omai on his return to Tahiti on Captain Cook's third voyage and wearing his gift of a suit of armour ...
Attached Images
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