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Old 7th March 2021, 11:58 AM   #15
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Germany
Posts: 95

Originally Posted by ariel
I think the handle is a replacement. The metal is distinctly different from the scabbard: seems to be either much lower silver content or not silver at all.

Its throat is very peculiar.
I’d like to see the dagger inserted into the scabbard.
I am certain of that as well, it probably had a walrus hilt at one time, but where and when it was changed, who knows. The koftgari motive on the bolster reminds me of this Pesh/Karud, so for me central asia is not out of the question. I will certainly test the silver content of the grip scales sometime.

All that said, while the dagger fits the scabbard perfectly, I have since learned from secure provenance that they are a late marriage, which I don't mind very much, because both are still very nice in their own right.

I have also looked through my image collection a bit further to find dated central asian scabbards and have not found very many but at least these three from Hermann Historica.

The first is dated 1334 AH - ~1915 and has the maker and owner inscribed
'Amal-e Lotf, Saheb Ali Mohammad ???Qali Adghali???'

The second is dated 1329 AH - ~1911

The third is dated quite early, 1126 AH - ~1714, with the maker's name unfortunately not completely depicted
Mohammad *unreadable* Zargar (Goldsmith) Buchara (Buchari?)
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