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Old 5th March 2021, 04:36 AM   #9
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Yes, altered, what we call "keris robahan".

Originally this was a pretty reasonable village level keris, then somebody took to it with an axe --- well, maybe not an axe, but a file or hacksaw or something. Pity.

Ive seen this alteration done to better quality keris, and done skillfully, and they don't look too bad, but this alteration has been roughly done.

I do not know this form, nor anything like it as a legitimate dhapur, but Dhapur Sategal sort of comes close.

David, I've never heard of Dhapur Trisulo for a keris, where did you pick up the name?

All the dress is FAQ, untidy, but it would restore well.
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