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Old 3rd March 2021, 07:15 PM   #16
Keris forum moderator
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Mike, there are many examples of late 19th century kris that have similar length blades. Here is an example that i let go of a couple of years ago that is also about 18 inches. Also not the similar manner in which the blade has etched to your example. This kris has many of the features of archaic keris (sogokan surrounded by flame design, etched lines down the blade that terminate in another flame-like motif, 5-luk blade that is half wavy, half straight). But it does not have the same level of craft put into these features that we tend to see on the archaic blades. In many ways when it comes to features it has far more in common with your archaic blade than your new kris does. But it is not an intermediate form, it is most certainly not any older than late 19th century.
I don't believe we were asking you to reveal the name of your consultant. What i was interested in was the actual information you consultant revealed that convinced you of the earlier age of your kris.
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