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Old 26th May 2006, 09:57 PM   #21
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Haiku is originally a Japanese form.

In the Japanese haiku the form is as nechesh advises: 5-7-5

However, when English language poets started to write haiku about 50 years ago, it was found that much more could be said in 17 syllables of English, than in 17 syllables of Japanese, so almost immediately the English language form of the haiku became shorter.

Not only did it become shorter, but some of the rules that apply to the writing of haiku in Japanese were thrown out the door, as it was found to be impossible or impractical to apply all those rules in the English language, and within the associated framework of thought used by English language speakers.

English language poets experimented with various forms, including traditional English language poetic forms, and some translators of Japanese haiku even went to a four line form, similar to the English quatrain.

I believe the current position with the haiku in English is that syllable number and form is accepted as being fairly flexible.

Certainly the Japanese traditional 5-7-5 form is used, and I think perhaps James Kirkup might be accepted as the leading exponent of this form, however, there is considerable support for other forms as well.

The major requirement of haiku whether it be in Japanese or in any other language is accepted as being the use of simple, colloquial words, used sparsely, to create an image that is constructed in a way that will create other images.

It is a catalyst intended to begin a train of thought.

Japanese is a very flexible language as regards word order, but in English we do not have this same flexibility, so some English language authorities on the haiku favour a 4-5-4 syllable form, others, a 3-4-3 form, others a 3-5-3 form.

Then there is the factor of stress in the spoken word, which can make a haiku written in American English not really viable in spoken British English.

However, all this aside, today in English language haiku there are two major styles:- one style maintains a rigid 5-7-5 form, the other freeform style seeks maximum impact from minimal expression.In other words, as few words as possible to achieve as great an effect as possible, with a three line form , and syllables structured around rhythm rather than rigidity.

steel whispers
soft the gentle breeze
one last breathe

too obscure?

how about:-

crimson snow
the springtime met by
one alone
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