Thread: Trisula
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Old 1st March 2021, 07:27 PM   #7
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Kubur, much of what you have quoted I can verify as accurate, a couple of things I am uncertain of.

Could you please provide your source? Thank you.

Rick, I think Kubur might be pointing out that in Jawa early casting was done in bronze, but later casting, ie, from sometime during the 15th century, was done in iron.

"--- In the course of the fifteenth century, the bronze used for the manufacture of these lance finials was replaced by iron, a metal already used for weapons and tools.---"

This was not a universal change over from bronze to iron. Casting is still carried on in Jawa, at the present time I believe always in bronze.

I have a keris that is cast in iron, these are exceptionally rare, I've only ever seen two, and a lot of people do not even know such things exist. I would not like to put a date on this cast blade, but my guess would be pre-1800.
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