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Old 28th February 2021, 04:15 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 902
Default fancy Samovar, origin ??

Hello dear members,

I wanted to show you this samovar I just bought.

I'm like a magpie, I like every shiny, fancy item I see ,
too ''bad'' stuff

Not expensive, I know it's not silver but I like the global look of this big item
( 46cm high ) and I think it's not a too recent item and was really used as a samovar cf pictures and not just a toy... ( sadly the ''key'' is missing... )

I think it was made of brass and the silvered on parts and later
covered with this ''bad'' fake silver ciselled sheats and faux corals and turquoise for make it more attractive.

( Central big stones looks like carnelian, the rest must be fake corals and turquoise )

Just a stamp inside the brass part

Maybe iranian work or central Asia ??

Glad if you can tell me more

Kind regards
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