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Old 28th February 2021, 05:16 AM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: musorian territory
Posts: 436

Originally Posted by Duccio[]=couteau%7C2%7C&filters[]=Madagascar%7C0%7Cet

Link to Musée du Quai Branly, keyword: couteau+Madagascar

look at the photos below, the knives of the Bara people.
yeh i vant see much of knvies in those images form the mkuseum wite.. the other brass handled knives are still made today by the look of it but with more stlyes.. i saw some brass and aluminium handled ones confiscated from poachers ona news site while searching recently. ill see if i can find the pictures.. some had a gunstock shaped grip too with the blade of the knife like the musket barrel and the wooden grip as the foregrip fo the gun..
im guessing there is some good degree of regionalisim and styles but it was all either lost,, or ignored by the french and has survived in some limited degree but because its so obscure we have little reference for it in our world.. even among french collectors...
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