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Old 26th May 2006, 05:33 PM   #13
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Great sword and a very interesting hilt.
Unfortunately all the Filipinos I meet favours the new Ginuntings and Talibongs to the older ones so I don't know much about Visayan swords.
But maybe these two swords can be of some help?
One of them has a floral hilt and the other one has a resembling ferrule as well as similarities on the scabbard.
I assume, as Ian stated, that those kind of scabbards are the older version.
Is your "Sundang" also smaller in size than the more common versions?
Your hilt reminds me slightly of a Makara.
The reason for Makara is that I think it looks like it has an elephant's trunk?


PS In case you ever get tired of it, please send me a mail...
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