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Old 24th February 2021, 11:05 AM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: musorian territory
Posts: 436

Originally Posted by Duccio
I think that everything you can see can be found at the musée du Quai Branly in Paris, even online: many knives, even interesting ones, but a single sword and even not very significant ... Maybe someone else is better at finding?
Santé à tous!
ill be honest, i can find little informaiton bout any tools or bladed items even knives, the only thing ive come across is the angady a type of local forged steel shovel.. about that it,
one or two images of vague things.. a knife or a tool with no details of its origin or ethnic group that uses it.. some spears here and there with little information.. i can see in videos of madagascar they use for example two types of a curved bladed tool with an upswept tip one is pointed and smaller and the other can be quite heavy and for chopping.. the upsweapt tool is quite distinct.. but even that we dont have a name. they look distinct .

you mention images online in quantity from a french museum.. could you direct me to those images i can see none in their catalogue (maybe im looking in the wrong place)

i have attached some images i could find of some of the hafted chopping tools and the billhook the billhooks are very similar to some types form indonesia
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