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Old 21st February 2021, 03:50 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by blindside
Ilocano Traditional Blades said this about his sword:

this blade sir is a rice-leaf blade shape that we called it BULONG PAGAY in ilocano. This blade sir is used among katipunan bolos to cut or used for fighting to their enemies and the handle is inspired by the horse hoof. The origin of this blade sir is from northern Luzon
Sorry to burst the bubble, blindside. The ILT proprietor is a friend of mine...but he has very limited traditional blade knowledge. The blade that you posted actually isn't endemic to the has a backstory.

Several years back, the governor of Ilocos saw the Ars Cives Macau Exhibition, wherein several PH swords were exhibited and erroneously labeled as Ilocos- when actually they came from other Luzon areas such as Batangas and Cavite. Inspired by what he thought of as Ilocos swords, that governor had the ILT guys make reproductions of what he thought were Ilocos-provenanced blades.

The history. I've told ILT the facts, but of course it won't do well with marketing, and they're hesitant to back out of designs which they were told were originally Ilocano.

I'm of half Ilocano lineage myself, but in this matter, I believe things must be straightened out, in deference to the other Luzon pandays.

As for your blade...I don't really know where it is from. A lot of friends have debated over it, and their consensus is that it's not of PH provenance due to certain construction indicators.
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