Thread: Old(?) Kukri
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Old 19th February 2021, 11:52 PM   #1
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Default Old(?) Kukri

I am very wary of purchasing kukri from online auctions because I find it hard to determine the older ones from more modern versions (or outright fakes). However, I took a chance on this one because it seemed to have genuine age.

What do you all think?
Someone polished all the patina (if there was any) off of the blade. I appreciate that they didn't polish it down smooth, as it has a texture I quite like.
The grip is of some kind of horn/antler. Can someone help identify? That too seems to have some legitimate age.

Here are some specs:
Overall length - approx 18"
Blade length - approx. 13"
Blade thickness - 6mm across the spine at the hilt
Weight - 1lb 2.375oz.

As always, apologies for the quality of the photos.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and impressions.
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