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Old 5th February 2021, 05:17 AM   #1
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Location: North Queensland, Australia
Posts: 187
Default S Stamp on British Swords

G'day Guys,
I have come across several examples of British officers' swords from around 1800 that have an "S" stamp on their ricasso, in a similar way that Osborn marked swords have a "G" stamp. Most aren't maker marked, but a couple have Prosser marked scabbards and three have blades marked to Dawes. A search of the internet hasn't produced very many examples of Dawes marked officer quality swords. Dawes seems to have been a prolific producer of troopers' swords. I am wondering if the S stamp may have been an inspection stamp used by Dawes?

Does anybody have a Dawes marked officer sword they can check for S stamps?

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