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Old 5th February 2021, 02:56 AM   #8
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SH&G bought entire swords from Ames, as well as mounting fancy swords. They were literally around the corner from Tiffany.

The books mentioned are fairly inexpensive and available directly from Mowbray Publishers.

The blade is roughly the same as the 1860 staff&staff corp aka staff&field and while not as formidable as the 1850 foot officer or staff&field sabres, the blade is tempered and would hold an edge. It is in no way meant to be a military issue sword.

It might be Mentioned also that Ames was selling swords to fraternal orders pretty much back to the 1830s, when Nathan started his works with the Springfield address. After the American Civil War, the fraternal groups blossomed even ,more but standard militia swords of the Mexican War period and even earlier, the Odd Fellows were buying the m1832 foot artillery swords and having them etched at the source (Ames)

I suppose the only reason it might not be the person suggested is anyone else with the name. For instance this 1890 article
and 1888

How many more?


in addendum
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