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Old 27th January 2021, 01:59 PM   #16
Interested Party
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Now I am not an expert and only know what I can read and very rarely see. These following issues are what I ask myself. Everyone please feel free to correct my ignorance.

We are using a date from the sheath not the blade. The onion at the tip seems to me like possibly a later repair. If not isn't a larger final on the chape a sign of mid nineteenth manufacture? I If one compares the twisted wire at the top of the throat with the hilt that meets it, the hilt is considerable more worn. It could just be a repair, there have been several, but sheaths we know often are replaced before the knife is worn out. What did the sheath originally have as a covering? Red leather, shagreen, cloth and galloon?

If we look at it then without the sheath. Is it mono-steel or laminate? Wouldn't mono-steel would to push the date of manufacture back. It's profile is hard to tell from the picture angles but they seem vaguely triangular and intended as a stabbing weapon. Coupled with the wide flattened rib in the forte this would move my estimation to an earlier period. Then there is the koftgari. The pattern on the front of the blade at least seems to imitate popular stiles from Tbilisi. Has anyone seen a 18th century Circassian kindjal with a vine meander that resembled bird shapes with providence? Of course the koftgari could be a later edition this piece has obviously has a wonderful working life. In one picture you can still see the original grind marks on the back edge while at least from the camera angle the front edge has been re-sharpened. Back to the koftgari, which makes me wonder, is it Circassian piece or a multi ethnic piece of someone working in Georgia in a Circassian style? Who knows this piece is obviously well traveled, but to me 1794 does seem early. I would love to know what all the inscriptions say and in what language? As I led off with; I'm no expert. Just an interested party raising more questions than answers
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