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Old 25th January 2021, 09:33 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Sajen
Yes, this I see similar! I've learned by my first job education to file a set square from a piece of iron so I know what I am doing and what I am not able to do I give to people who are able to do it, see here: I was sure that this blade was ruined by a real amateur restorer but a good friend was able to give the blade back it's original shape.
Another example is this Visayan knife which seems ruined by an amateur but Roland (our member Roland_M) gives it back the typical beveled edge.


very beautiful done. Question: as the blade looks like new now, what about the grip? Do you do something with or to the grip or leave it as is ?

I treated the wooden handle of some pre 1870 pinfire revolvers with almond oil to feed the wood and avoid it from drying out...
Also bone handles of Bosnian ones I treat with a drop of virgin olive oil for the same reason.

Or is this not done with cold weapons?
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