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Old 25th January 2021, 09:20 AM   #4
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Thank you guys for your help!

- Yes, the mounts are in silver.
- No, the blade is definitely not Spanish/Toledo. Different manufacturing style and different style decorations. The decorations on the blade are very French in style and technology, but from all I could gather so far, the blade was indeed made in Morocco/Agadir by a local, albeit French bladesmith named Coller.

- No bad news as I do not really care too much about the age of a blade (I also collect modern traditional blades), provided it is locally made and conformal to the local traditions & employing traditional technologies.
- In this case, I consider this koummya particularly valuable (for me) because it was locally made and it reflects both local traditions and the colonial past (even earlier 20c koummyas had French made blades - see photos of what I believe to be a first quarter of 20c koummya with French/Poincare face marked blade having the silverwork stamped with the Moroccan ram head).
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Last edited by mariusgmioc; 25th January 2021 at 09:31 AM.
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