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Old 21st January 2021, 08:56 PM   #13
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 102

Originally Posted by Tim Simmons
Remarkably similar to the illustration. Sure that is a weapon and the shape would make a good throwing weapon. My piece is more like a baton you could whack somebody with it like close quarter stick fighting but not really a throwing weapon. I did have a few large Fijian clubs but sold them and much of my collection. I am always on the lookout but not prepared to spend the money I used to so I am very pleased with this piece. To build another collection you realise how much work went into the first one.
I ran into a fellow collector of arms etc and we were at an auction recently. We were discussing some of the clubs and other tribal weapons and he said 40 years ago he could by them for nothing compared to today's prices.
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