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Old 21st January 2021, 03:13 PM   #6
Keris forum moderator
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Well, i am not particularly a club collector, but i do have one Fiji Ulas. I live near the town of Lunenburg, NS, which is home port to the Picton Castle, a masted tall ship that for many years did annual around the world trips, Fiji being one of their stops. They have a shop in town and sell items they have picked up along their travels.
Anyway, this club, along with a few other, was in their shop for some time and i found it attractive and finally purchased it. It is obviously new and never used, but it seems to have been made in a well-crafted and traditional manner out of a weighty hardwood. Feels great in hand with a nice top-heaviness that would help bring the top of this club down with a nice bit of extra velocity. I am not interested in collecting clubs enough to pay the price that a nice antique example of this club would cost, but feel that for a much more meager price i got a well-crafted example made in the manner that the actual antique items were. This particular style (would it be "f" on your diagram?) is a lovely bit of design and workmanship i think.
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