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Old 14th January 2021, 01:43 PM   #4
David R
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I nearly titled the post javelin head, but thought it a bit too limiting. Regarding status, it was sold as an original by a UK dealer on ebay, so I have some comeback... if I can be bothered. It cost what I would expect to pay for a museum copy in a museum shop, so if it is real, I got a hell of a bargain. Perhaps the dealer was not too sure himself.

Regarding the Chinese replicas, I do actually buy them from time to time if cheap enough, and sell them on as replicas at a profit, so I am familiar with them.... Funny story, I bought a bunch of "arrowheads" from China and they were huge. Finally worked out that they were working from pictures and written details,and got confused between Centimetres and Inches.
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