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Old 13th January 2021, 06:27 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 902
Default Heavy/large talwar / thega sword

Hello dear members,

I wanted to share with you this big talwar / thega sword that I just received,
seems it was made for fight ,
it has ( sadly) marks/cracks on the blade.!...
I have to clean it...

I'ts a long one, 95cm / 37,5 inches long and heavy, 1,3kg / 2,9 pounds

Is it usual to see such long/ large pieces ?

the seller told me it was more than one meter long but it's still a nice catch

The large blade has a yelman, the thick blade structure is really thin and sharp after the yelman at the end/tip of the blade.

The hilt seems made of a single iron piece and there is an interesting stamp at the basis of the blade,
does anyone know where it can come from ?

An old mughal model ? 19th or 18th century ?

Kind regards
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