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Old 10th January 2021, 04:59 PM   #2
colin henshaw
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,429

This looks to be an impressive and rare pistol, so as no one else has, I will post a comment, however antique firearms is not a subject I have studied.

I believe "carabiniers" were basically cavalry that carried a short carbine, which would be easier to handle on horseback than a full length musket. Would these double-barreled pistols be carried in a holster, perhaps in a pair on either side of the horse's neck ?

Why would one barrel be grooved and the other smoothbore ? perhaps for different charges... say ball in one and shot in the other ??

The pistol has been restored; to me the steel barrel seems over-cleaned probably with acid ? But maybe this is the norm with regards to antique firearms ?

Anyway, hopefully someone who specializes in this area will make an informed post...
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