Thread: YOUNGER Keris
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Old 6th January 2021, 12:49 AM   #55
Anthony G.
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 470

Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
I cannot give an authoritative answer to that question Anthony.

Balinese society is structured in a different way to Javanese society. The rulers do not live in a Karaton that is in effect a walled city within a city that covers many acres and provides accommodation for those who are attached to the kraton.

In Bali the ruler lives in a Puri, which is not as grand as the Kratons of Jawa were, and judging from the puris that still exist, there was no concept that people attached to the puri needed to live under the eye of the ruler. If a ruler, or somebody attached to the ruler's puri wanted to order a new keris, he would call the pande to the puri, or visit him.

I do not know the degree of control that a ruler had over the dhapur of a keris.
Dear Alan

Thanks for sharing.
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