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Old 5th January 2021, 04:12 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 67
Default Felddegen with pewter grip

I've seen quite a few felddegen over the years, but when I had an opportunity to acquire this example with a spiral pewter grip, I jumped at it. I gather that felddegen with metal grips were more common in the Low Countries and Northern Germany than elsewhere in Europe.

Otherwise, it seems typical of the breed with the double-edged blade bearing the auspicious numbers + 1414 + and the running wolf of Passau on both sides.

The hilt bears a stamp of the letter F next to what I think may be an outline of a mark that resembles a man swinging a hammer. I freely admit I may be seeing things, but it looks to me like it depicts a smith at work.

Perhaps the knowledgeable people on this forum can tell me more.
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