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Old 31st December 2020, 10:53 AM   #3
colin henshaw
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,429

Originally Posted by M ELEY
Hello Colin. Just wanted to say what a cool piece this is! Very strange that the knife wouldn't be maker-marked, as most 19th c. cutlery and such usually was...unless this was truly made for export to the continent?? Some chap had great ingenuity to come up with this 'chopper', I suppose? Is the skin crocodile? Savannah monitor? Neat piece!!
Thanks Mark, glad you like it. As you say, strange there is no maker's mark to the blade, unless after removing the rust something will be revealed.. Given the size of the reptile scales, I am reasonably sure the skin is from the belly of a crocodile.

Presumably, the knife was a trade item that found its way into the interior of the African continent. Coastal West Africa of course had continued contact with Europeans and their manufactured goods early in African history.
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