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Old 21st December 2020, 06:02 PM   #15
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Bryce
G'day Jim,
You are right that the original batch of 10th Hussars' swords used Solingen blades like my example below. Later examples had the flat, unfullered blades like the sword in this thread. In his earlier period Prosser used imported Solingen blades where a fullered blade was required, but I think the unfullered blades must have been made by him. You can find early examples which have Prosser etched on the blade.

Bryce, I wanted to ask your opinion on my 10th Hussar example. It is in such rough condition in comparison to yours and other examples I have seen. The brass of course is as expected, not corroded, but the silver POW feathers on each side are with broken ends. The blade has deep pitting and as evidenced the grip seems a not particularly well done replacement.

I am wondering if this may have been a battlefield pick up, as it does seem that the 10th officers did take these on campaign, contrary to beliefs they were simply dress sabers. While it does seem this one did experience some 'exposure' and perhaps slight damage in situ, it possibly was retrieved a reasonable time after the events so did not reach the dramatic 'relic' condition.

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