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Old 19th December 2020, 06:27 PM   #16
Jim McDougall
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Originally Posted by Kubur
Well it might be more complicated than India (Hyderabad) or Yemen (Hadramawt) as it is described in the previous posts.

Indian communauties were living in Yemen, including craftmen in Mocha, Taizz, Zabid...

Well noted, it is well known there were many established communities from India living in various places in Arabia, just as they were throughout many other places. I think the key for the Hadhramaut attribution as described by Elgood and others derives from the mercenary and trade activities between there and Hyderabad, as well as the propensity of these forms known in these areas.
I wonder if these other areas produced these types of mountings for swords and daggers in the other areas noted outside the Yemeni sphere. As artisans moved into various regions their regional styles of course likely were continued in degree.
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