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Old 15th December 2020, 09:55 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Gonzoadler

I agree with ivory as material of the hilts and would put both in the 19th century. But maybe here are better experts for this knives. Of course I can only speculate if they have a similar age but they are looking so (same style and same signs of age).
I have such a knife, too, but with a black coral handle and more "accessoires". Maybe the blades of your Piha Kaettas had a similar inlay in the fullers like my knife has but it was lost:
Technically, though it is still possibly correct to refer to what you display here as a piha kaetta, yours, with it's straighter blade and addition of a stylus, is more correctly referred to as a "ul pihiya". They are generally a bit smaller than the piha kaetta which features a drop point blade and is usually a bit larger. I suspect that these ul pihiya served a someone different purpose that may have been clerical in some regard (ergo the stylus).
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