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Old 11th December 2020, 08:17 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by mahratt
My friend, if you don't see the difference between the items that you and Kubur put up, I can't help you For me and, apparently, not only for me - this difference is very noticeable. So is the difference between your knives and the jugs you posted in the thread. This is the difference in style, decoration techniques and jewelry work.
Here on the forum all are very polite and tolerant people and therefore cannot tell you directly that your daggers are souvenir nonsense. But I'm used to calling things by their proper names
You have one option to be sure that your daggers are really old and made in the 19th century. You need to find a photo of the late 19th century, which shows a European or a Chinese with a dagger like yours, or a European's room in which such a dagger hangs on the wall. Then everyone will agree that you were right. And I'll be the first to apologize to you.
In the meantime, gain experience, my friend And then you yourself will be able to distinguish souvenirs from real antique daggers.

Best wishes
That is exactly the answer I expected from you. I think it is not necessary to comment your answers anymore.
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