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Old 10th December 2020, 01:20 PM   #20
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Gonzoadler
Show me the differences. The main difference I can see is the use of silver filigree. But also that you can find on some pieces. I want to show similarities:

-Teapot 1: One casted and chiselled element is similar and the kind like the lionīs head is made is similar, too.
-Teapot 2: The kind like the corals and turquoises are fixed is identical.
-Dagger 1: The hanger of the dagger is identical!
-Vase 1: Fixing of small stones identical.
-Vase 3: similar filigree and quality of chiselled heads
-The last big dagger is completely in the same technique, one carved jade element is nearly identical (small boar head). Similar blade.

Also the dagger in post #9 has many similarities to this pieces and seems to have the same age.
Now itīs your turn

PS: Iīm not interested in bandish my daggers. But if it is forbidden to contradict the answers of forum members who donīt seem to have more knowledge about chinese weapons and silverware than me, than that is a bad discussion atmosphere here.


Contradiction is not at all unacceptable in discussions, however derisive remarks at personal level and questioning knowledge of other participants is not in particularly good form and indeed not conducive to good discussion 'atmosphere'.
I am grateful for your sharing of these very attractive items as well as sharing your observations and clearly stated knowledge.
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