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Old 9th December 2020, 01:45 PM   #16
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Thank you Bryce for the excellent synopsis describing the functions of these units, that helps a great deal in understanding better the pragmatic possibilities possibly considered in the character of these sabers.

Thank you as well for adding other examples of the pipeback, which indeed seem to have been known and used in degree on many officers swords around turn of the century. It is interesting to note the 'step' expanding the tip and incorporated into the 'pipe or rod' on the blade back.
These are of course similar to the 'yelman' on many Islamic sabers and often present on East European examples.

I was once told by a Polish fencing master of arms who deeply studied the history of these sabers, that they often colloquially termed this feature on the blades, 'the feather', as it's purpose was to add weight and impetus to the cut in the momentum.

Again, it would seem that the 'rod' would similarly add weight to the strength of the blow and in a sweeping or slashing cut would not impair it, and bolster the intregrity of the blade otherwise as well.
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