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Old 8th December 2020, 08:54 PM   #1
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Default Chinese daggers - more colourful as christmas trees


I want to share these very colourful silver daggers, jeweled with corals, turqouise, jade and malachites. In my opinion they were made in the late 19th. century. They are quite similar, but one is more ornate and enamelled.
This one is decorated with boars and monks made of jade. The jade of the other dagger shows abstract motifs.

I learned a lot about some other pieces here and now I have another question to the forum:
I saw other similar daggers at auctions.
For what purpose these daggers where made?
Are they official presents? An expensive decoration?
Maybe lucky charms?
Or officially worn weapons for important persons? (I don't believe that)
Who knows more than me?

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