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Old 14th November 2020, 06:00 AM   #13
Amuk Murugul
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Default Holes in a blade

Hullo all,

I notice a bit of interest in this area.
Here's my contribution w.r.t. Koedjang.

As an example, the assignation of the Koedjang Tjioeng commensurate with the duties and function of the wearer/user (as opposed to the social status of the individual):

Koedjang Tjioeng, 9 Eyelets: Radja (ruler), Brahmesta (religious chief)
Koedjang Tjioeng, 7 Eyelets: Praboe Anom (crown prince), Mantri Dangka (border minister) and Pandita (councellor)
Koedjang Tjioeng, 5 Eyelets: Geurang Seurat (chief minister) Boepati Panangkes (military governor) and Boepati (regent)
Koedjang Tjioeng, 3 Eyelets: Geurang (minister)
Koedjang Tjioeng, 1 Eyelet: Goeroe Tangtoe Agama (advisor on inalienable doctrines)

Note: A person may carry more than one koedjang type. For instance, a general in the confederate court military (Koedjang Djago) may also be a ruler at home (Koedjang Tjioeng, Mata9).


While doing this post, I came across a memory aid I prepared for a seminar so people could relate/remember better. (It's got 'Anglicised terms'. For comparison, the 'normal' schematic was posted in this forum somewhere a while back).
Nothing to do with koedjang, but I thought I'd include it here so I won't have to do another post.
It may be of use to someone. Otherwise, it's just garbage.


SCHEMATIC: Doehoeng (/ Kalis / Karis ) with Anglicised terminology.
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Last edited by Amuk Murugul; 14th November 2020 at 09:48 AM.
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