Originally Posted by fernando
. My gesture was well disguised but, i have forgotten that in the device definitions i had opted for a 'click' sound when shotting a picture. Well, the security guy heard that and came over, ordering me to delete (borrar) the picture. In vain i acted as if i didn't know how to do it; he instantly indicated where it was in my phone gallery and told me what button to press to erase the image  .
Easy to forget when you are fascinated by the objects and trying to conceal your activity. Our devices should have a "Museum Mode" setting that handles all the contingencies automatically, like the one you set when flying on a jetliner.
It's good that some museums, particularly in the UK and US, are now more liberal about photos although forbidding flash (makes sense since intense light can fade pigments on organic materials). But it's silly that there are those museums which ban all photography, when at the same time their book shops don't offer catalogs of the collection, or at least of the class of objects that you are interested in. In fact, the museum in Turin where my friend was so roundly scolded had NO book or gift shop whatsoever, and this armory was part of the larger Palazzo Reale which had acres of rooms full of treasures.