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Old 12th November 2020, 09:35 AM   #29
Victrix's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Sweden
Posts: 752

Originally Posted by BUCC_Guy
The castles make me depressed, because I will never have enough for the repetitive displays of 40 of the same item. I really like the fans and circles made up of muskets and polearms. I’d love 8 swords crossed like they have, but, money wise, I’m likely targeting just two to three swords in the future.

I used the Higgins Armory (now closed) as an example for my display. I would have done a full half-circle if my ceiling wasn’t slanted.

I have more to hang, and I’ll make a thread about my hanging system, which I’m very happy with.
I think the Victorian collections bordered on the obsessive. No need to overdo it but it can generate display ideas. You will be surprised how much you accumulate and it already seems you have quite a bit. Luckily you have plenty space.

I decided to only display in one personal room in my flat (cozy office/TV room) for consideration to my wife, and so as not to alarm visitors in Sweden which is appallingly PC. My collection is ever increasing and my wife presented an ultimatum: either you don’t buy more stuff or we need a bigger home. But I acquire more items by stealth and then ask her to wrap and give it to me for Christmas and birthdays. The problem is where to hide a 2.7m long halberd for 6 months...
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