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Old 3rd November 2020, 03:05 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by mross
Amen brother. I love the gas forges no fuss no muss come up to welding Temp fast and can be held steady. But ol-smokey has it's allures as well, however not having to tend the fire constantly and work a bellows is not missed.

David, here is a link to the kids website;
yes, a kid 17 years old.
Thanks for the link. Talented kid indeed. However, i don't see anything on his site about that particular push dagger being made with meteoric ore or that it displays a Widmanstätten pattern. I went into his video section and he does show himself making a ring from meteorite, but no forging was involved. I didn't see any video about the making of that push dagger. There are videos about working with damascus steel, but not meteorite.
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