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Old 20th October 2020, 08:12 PM   #6
Jim McDougall
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Originally Posted by fernando
I haven't any solid evience at hand; although this should have happened *. The versions that abund over here are both HV and lC originals. Remember the Brits sent the (then disarmed) Portuguese forces massive numbers of armament, including 7 000 cavalry swords. Actually the HC version was adopted after the war for the Regiment of Chaves Dragoons.

What do you think of this one ?


That is an outstanding saber! I've always liked the canted hilt style for some reason, and this one is really attractive. Now that you mention it, it was the heavy cavalry disc hilt that saw some Portuguese production.

It seems odd that ironically by the 1820's, the British had somewhere around 30,000 or more as the 1821/29 patterns were being introduced.. While the light versions filtered into yeomanry units, the heavies had no apparent further use.
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