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Old 18th October 2020, 04:52 PM   #1
Marc M.
Join Date: Aug 2019
Location: Belgium
Posts: 245
Default Latest takouba for comment


My latest takouba. A well made sword, both blade and scabard are of fine workmanship. I think that the handle and scabard are what we call modern, probably last quarter 20 century, a classic stacked pommel and a crossguard with decorations off leather and metal. Richly decorated scabard and mounts.
The blade is verry well made, a strong blade with some flex, thicker than my other takouba's. A single wide central fuller and two narrow fullers on each side. In the central fuller on both sides are engraved native markings; snake, lion, 3 stars and some words, translation is welcome. Blades with this kind off fullers are rare, two on Ian's site The tip off the blade is special, carps tongue named i believe.
I have no idea off age, but what i have found is that the blade could be older than the 20 century. So i hope that the more knowledged members about takouba's on the forum share their thoughts on this one.

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