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Old 16th October 2020, 02:30 PM   #14
colin henshaw
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,429

Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
Thank you Colin! Its great to see these photos, sure makes me want to go there. So much history.
The 'fence' from Twickenham was to me a travesty, that those swords of the Jacobite forces were treated so disdainfully. The book by Campbell, "Scottish Swords from the Battlefield at Culloden", shows many of these blades and the markings etc. on them.
It is recorded that only 192 blades were recovered from the battlefield, and a good number of them were disgracefully used in this 'fence'.

Great portrait of Prince Charlie! and it is interesting to know of the eclectic items from far and wide there as well.
Thanks Jim, glad you like the photos. I suppose the breaking of the Jacobite swords and then putting them to such base usage was a sort of way of emphasizing the Jacobites' defeat and of denigrating the enemy.

Looking over the internet it seems in the late 19th century the sword fence was taken down and the blades sold to a local scrap metal dealer for 26/- (say US$ 5.00). Many were later removed by Lord Archibald Campbell to Inveraray Castle in Scotland. Would be most interesting to see them.

I first visited Chiddingstone Castle over 25 years ago, they had more material on display then, and if memory serves me well there was an old photograph of the sword fence in situ, in a sort of lattice work style ? But I couldn't see the photo on my last visit, perhaps I am mistaken...

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