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Old 13th October 2020, 08:38 PM   #9
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How it behaves: if it melts is plastic; if it smells like "dentist" is ivory.

For polishing you can use sandpaper, 600-800 grit and give it a few rapid rubs. If it is ivory will smell like "dentist."
For final shiny polish you need to go to higher grit (3000-7000).

Originally Posted by xasterix
Greetings sir Marius, this thread has aroused my interest. Can you assess my piece as well? I'll try to sand off a portion of the break in the pommel and burn it for verificiation, but for the meantime here's a picture.
One photo from the side is not enough. You should post more close-up photos. Generally this type of hilts are made from elephant ivory. You should check for the Schreger lines.

I do not advise polishing/fire testing any finished product. For a raw piece of material is another story.

Last edited by mariusgmioc; 13th October 2020 at 08:49 PM.
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