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Old 6th October 2020, 10:54 PM   #1
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Default Ethiopian blade for ID

I have two Ethiopian swords in my collection that need proper identification. They are virtually identical in shape and size, so I tend to believe that the blades were manufactured in the same country. One has some engraving, including the Lion of Judah, and should be French as it has the name Delorme and a French address (which should include PARIS) at the ricasso. Is the other one French as well? It has three arsenal stamps at the forte which I am not familiar with. Can someone identify them? It also has the engraving of a monogram which I believe is Haile Selassie's. I am also quite curious about the scabbards. The stitching indicates that they should have been worn on the right side. They look like briquets scabbards but they are longer (33") and they have two eyelets (don't know what to call them...) soldered to them. Help??
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Last edited by roanoa; 7th October 2020 at 01:04 AM.
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