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Old 6th October 2020, 02:33 AM   #9
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by M ELEY
The more and more I look at this sword, I love her!! Just an amazing piece of history. Jim, I think you hit it on the head when you mention the assortment of folks that really made up the Jacobite army. There were Scots, of course, as well as Irish to be sure. There was a large contingent of Catholic Frenchmen as well as disgruntled English soldiers as well. I wouldn't be at all surprised if there wasn't a sprinkling of other nationalities in this makeshift (but impassioned) force. Likewise, I know that those loyal to the crown had English, Irish and Scottish forces. I haven't read enough research to see if George's army might have likewise used mercenaries? In any case, not a clear cut usage of exact weaponry, uniforms, etc. I am so hoping to visit Scotland and Culloden someday.

Thank you so much Mark! She has meant a lot to me all these years too!
Actually the more read and discover on the Jacobites and this entire period of events, the diversity of groups involved was remarkable. There was really no need for mercenaries as those following thier cause brought notable numbers of forces, so it would have been impossible to guage how many would be required. It was the same for both sides, and as noted, there were Highlanders with the Hanoverians and English with the Jacobites.

I doubt I will ever get to Scotland, but then, perhaps I've already been
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